
Mary Margaret Ann Finch

Birth: 1936-03-29 Died: 2010-06-10

Visitation Date: 6/16/2010

Visitation Location:Oliveira Funeral Chapel

Service Date: 6/17/2010

Service Time: 11:00:00 AM

Service Location: Our Lady of Good Counsel

Service Address: 10460 - 139th St. Surrey, B.C.

Rest in Peace

Reload Image

Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute :Generous and fun-loving is how we will remember you- Aunt Mary. Whenever I visited you and Uncle Walter as a kid- I looked forward to the trip. I knew we were in for good laughs and great food. When Jim and I were young parents- you and Walter treated us to a grand vacation at Expo. You instilled in Dylan and Rachel a love for reading with the children's books you gave them. That carried them far and your books are still some of their favorite treasures. The stool by the phone in Mom's kitchen is still your spot-the place where you directed traffic- maintained the answering service- and kept us all laughing. We miss you dearly and know you will be our answering service in heaven. We love you- Aunt Mary.

Ronnie and Jim Carlson

Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute :My dear Aunt Mary has arrived where her prayers have long echoed- I know the Saints and many others were waiting for her at the gates. In life she was unique- a woman passionate- strong and determined yet she was of a tender heart constantly praying and caring about others. The smile in her eyes and the laugh always brought me cheer. Mary you will be sorely missed. With Love and prayers.

Gregory Saxton

Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute : My sister- Mary- was a free spirit- who experienced the joy of life and people around her. She was always a presence in crowds with her beautiful impish eyes and smile. Her thoughtfullness and determination was felt by many- always there in time of need. I will miss you so very much and always remember the loving memories you gave- and all the ways you showed you cared. Your enduring faith was an inspiration to me and always will be. Your loving sister Dolores

Dolores Saxton

Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute :We reunited with Mary about 3 years ago during our visit to Califirnia. Our reunion in California was a moment in time I'm sure we will all cheerish. Since then we have kept in close contact via telephone and e-mail. Myself & Mary had many a great telephone conversations and always ended off with a good old laugh. Mary was a strong willed person and always held a place in her heart for family. Although she will be missed the memories of Mary will live on! She missed Walter & know now she is very happy in his arms once more.

Robert Ivany

Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute :Aunt Mary - it broke my heart to hear of your passing. I never thought I wouldn't get the chance to see you one more time- to laugh with you and talk with you. You were our 'coolest' aunt- the one we could tell our secrets to when we were teenagers- knowing you would understand. We will miss you so- though I know you're in heaven with the ones you love.

Jeanette Chapman

Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute :We met up with Mary 3 years on our trip to California. What a time we all had. Lots of laughs and comradery- especially on the shopping trip. I have kept in touch with Mary since then. Mary was a typical 'Ivany'- very caring with a strong sense of family. We had some great chats these past 3 years and she will be dearly missed. I know she had not been felling well these past couple of weeks and I know she decided it was best to just sneak away and fall in to the arms of Walter- whom she dearly missed. I know Mary will be very proud of Denise for making all funeral arrangements and giving her a great spiritual send off in to heaven. We will hold you in our prayers. Love Bobby & Joan


Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute :Mary. What can I say about you in such a short space? I only met you a couple of short years ago while visiting Doe in California- with Bob and Joan but you left beautiful ever lasting memories with me. We laughed/joked so much- but there was a side of you that I will remember even more than that- and it was your compassion and caring for others. We communicated almost daily since then by email sometimes exchanging jokes but the more serious side of you came through with your genuine caring/concern shown me by your prayers for my brother who is suffering from cancer. This was appreciated more than words can say and will never be forgotten. Mary you will be missed- but Rest in Peace- with your loved ones- you deserve it. My Condolences to your family. Love Maurice Gillingham

Maurice Gillingham

Date :30 Nov -0001

Tribute :My dearest Mom. Words can't express how much I will miss you in my life. Since I moved back to Canada I have seen or spoken with you every day. You were there after Andres was born- you were with me for the delivery of Sofia. I always thought you would be here for a long time but I guess your journey was complete and it was time for you to go home and be with God as we all will one day. I pray for you every night Mom and know that out souls will re-unite again one day. Andres- Sofia and I love you Nanny and we will see you again soon. Love Dee Dee

Denise Kathleen Mary Finch

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